

How Long Do Solar Panels Last? Exploring Their Operational Years

How Long Do Solar Panels Last

The longevity of solar panels is a critical aspect to consider, especially as more homeowners and businesses look towards renewable energy solutions. In this article, we’ll dive into the operational lifespan of solar panels, ensuring that the information is straightforward and easy to digest.

Understanding the Lifespan of Solar Panels

Solar panels are a marvel of modern technology, renowned not only for their environmental benefits but also for their durability and longevity. Typically, solar panels are designed to last between 25 to 30 years, a time frame that is often guaranteed by manufacturers. This lifespan, however, doesn’t signify the end of their usefulness. 

Post this period, solar panels don’t just cease to function; they continue to produce electricity, albeit at a reduced efficiency. The standard benchmark for this decline is about 0.5% to 1% per year, meaning that by the end of their 25-30-year lifespan, most solar panels will operate at about 75% to 85% of their original efficiency. This impressive durability is a testament to the advanced engineering and robust materials used in their construction.

Key Factors Influencing Solar Panel Longevity

Quality of Solar Panels Installation: 

The installation of solar panels is a critical factor that significantly influences their lifespan and efficiency. Proper installation ensures that the panels are securely mounted, correctly angled, and adequately wired, which minimizes the risk of physical damage and electrical issues. On the contrary, poor installation can lead to several problems. 

For instance, panels installed at an incorrect angle may not only produce less energy but also accumulate debris more readily, leading to quicker degradation. Moreover, improper wiring can increase the risk of electrical faults, reducing both efficiency and safety.


Regular maintenance is key to extending the operational life of solar panels. This includes periodic inspections and cleaning. The need to clean solar panels arises because they are constantly exposed to the elements. Dust, pollen, leaves, bird droppings, and other debris can accumulate on the surface, blocking sunlight and reducing efficiency. 

While rain can clean panels to some extent, manual cleaning is sometimes necessary, especially in areas with little rainfall or high pollution levels. It’s important, however, to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines or consult a professional for cleaning to avoid any damage to the panels.

Environmental Conditions: 

The location and environmental conditions where the solar panels are installed play a pivotal role in their longevity. Panels exposed to harsh conditions like extreme temperatures, heavy snow, high winds, and salt mist (in coastal areas) may experience accelerated wear and tear. For instance, in very hot climates, solar panels can overheat, leading to a reduction in efficiency and potential damage over time. 

Similarly, areas with frequent hail storms can pose a risk of physical damage to the panels. However, it’s noteworthy that modern solar panels are rigorously tested and designed to withstand most environmental stressors, ensuring resilience in varied climatic conditions.

Quality of Solar Panels: 

The inherent quality and technology of the solar panels themselves are crucial. Panels manufactured with high-grade materials and cutting-edge technology are more likely to withstand environmental stressors and maintain efficiency over a longer period. Substandard panels may be less expensive initially but often degrade faster and require replacement sooner.

Electrical Load and Usage Patterns: 

The amount of electrical load and the usage pattern can also impact the longevity of solar panels. Overloading the panels beyond their capacity or irregular usage that causes frequent and significant fluctuations in power output can strain the system, potentially leading to a shorter lifespan.

Technological Advancements and Upgrades: 

Technology in the solar panel industry is continually evolving. Older panels might not have the same endurance and efficiency as newer models equipped with the latest technology. Upgrading components such as inverters or adding new panels to the system can affect the overall longevity and efficiency of the existing setup.

How Quickly Do Solar Panels Degrade?

Solar panels do get a bit less effective each year, but not by much. On average, they lose about 0.8% of their power every year. This drop in power is known as the degradation rate. Some top-notch brands like SunPower might only lose about 0.3% yearly. Thanks to better technology, many solar panels now lose less than 1% of their efficiency each year.

What does this really mean? If your solar panels have a degradation rate of 0.8%, they’ll work at 99.2% of their original power in the second year. After 25 years, they’ll still work at about 82.5% of their original power. Better panels with a 0.5% degradation rate will work at around 87.5% of their original power after 25 years. To figure out how much power your panels will produce in the future, just use the degradation rate and the number of years you want to check.

Understanding Solar Panel Warranties

Along with the degradation rate, it’s also important to think about solar panel warranties. Most solar panels come with a warranty that guarantees a certain level of performance over time. Typically, these warranties last for 25 to 30 years. They ensure that even at the end of this period, your panels will still produce a certain percentage of their original output. 

For instance, a warranty might promise that after 25 years, your panels will operate at no less than 80% of their initial efficiency. This gives you extra peace of mind, knowing that your investment is protected against significant drops in performance.

How to Increase the Life of Solar Panels

Maximizing the lifespan of your solar panels involves more than just installation; it requires ongoing care and attention. Here are some detailed strategies:

Regular Cleaning: 

Keeping solar panels clean is crucial. Over time, dust, bird droppings, leaves, and other debris can accumulate on the panels. This accumulation can block sunlight, significantly reducing the panels’ efficiency. It’s recommended to clean your panels a few times a year, but the frequency can depend on your location and environment. 

For instance, if you live in a dusty area or have a lot of birds around, you might need to clean them more often. Use gentle cleaning methods – harsh chemicals or abrasive tools can damage the panels.

Routine Inspections: 

Periodic professional inspections are vital for maintaining solar panel efficiency. A skilled technician can detect and resolve issues that might not be visible to the untrained eye, such as tiny cracks, loose connections, or degraded wires. These issues, if left unchecked, can escalate into more significant problems, potentially shortening the lifespan of your solar panels. Inspections can also ensure that all components of the solar system, including inverters and batteries, are functioning optimally.

Proper Installation: 

The importance of professional installation cannot be overstated. Solar panels need to be installed at the correct angle and position for your specific geographic location to maximize sun exposure. Improper installation can not only lead to reduced efficiency but also increase the risk of damage due to environmental factors like wind or heavy snow. Additionally, ensure that the mounting system is robust and can withstand local weather conditions to avoid physical strain on the panels.

Avoiding Shade: 

Solar panels function best when they have a clear, unobstructed exposure to sunlight. Over time, nearby trees can grow and cast shadows over the panels, significantly impacting their efficiency. Regularly trimming back trees and vegetation can prevent this. Additionally, when installing new panels, consider potential future obstructions like growing trees or new constructions.

Monitoring Performance:

 Keeping track of your solar system’s performance is essential. Many modern solar systems come with monitoring software that allows you to track output and efficiency. If you notice a substantial or sudden drop in performance, it’s a signal that there could be an underlying issue, such as panel degradation, dirt accumulation, or equipment failure. Early detection and resolution of these issues can prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your solar panels.

Maximizing Return on Investment (ROI) on Solar System

Investing in solar panels comes with expectations of financial returns. The ROI on a solar system depends on several factors, including the initial cost, energy savings, and incentives. Proper maintenance and understanding how solar panels work can help in maximizing these returns.

Advantages of Home Solars

  • Energy Independence: Home solars reduce reliance on traditional electricity sources.
  • Environmentally Friendly: They provide a clean, renewable energy source.
  • Cost Savings: Over time, the savings on electricity bills can be substantial.

Choosing the Right Solar Panel Size

Selecting the appropriate solar panel size is crucial for optimal performance. The solar panel size should correspond to your energy needs and the available installation space. A professional assessment can help determine the best size for your specific situation.


Solar panels offer a sustainable and cost-effective solution for energy needs. Understanding their lifespan, maintenance needs, and how to optimize their performance is essential for anyone considering solar energy. With the right knowledge and approach, solar panels can be an excellent investment for both the environment and your wallet.



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Australian Energy Upgrades have signed on to the Clean Energy Council Solar Retailer Code of Conduct – the only solar industry code of conduct authorised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

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Australian Energy Upgrades are registered solar installers with Solar Victoria. This allows us to provide eligible households with subsidised solar installations under the Solar Victoria Rebate scheme.


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